Beef cattle exporting is our specialty! We can supply our clients with heifers, cows, and bulls of any age and breed. We are extremely knowledgeable in the different breeds of beef cattle, and can help our clients choose the best breed for their need and regional climate.
Please see the beef breed links below for more information on the most common breeds of beef cattle.
Angus Brangus Brahman Charolais Senepol
Please see the Dairy
breed links below for more information on the most common breeds of dairy cattle.
Ayrshire Brown Swiss Guernsey Holstein Jersey
We have extensive knowledge in the different breeds of horses, and can direct our clients in which breed/type will work best for them.
Quarter Horse Thoroughbreds
Most goats are classified as either meat goats or dairy goats. We offer the Boer and Nubian breeds below, but there are many other breeds available. Boer goats are one of the best meat goats available and the first goat breed involved in meat production performance testing. The Nubian breed is considered an all purpose breed, meaning it can be used for meat and milk production.
Boer Nubian
We can obtain and ship semen and embryos from many types and breeds of livestock. Please select from the list at left… cattle, equine, sheep, goats and swine for more information on different breeds of livestock. Please contact us for more specific information of semen and embryos.
There are many varieties of sheep in the United States. We have listed some of the more popular breeds below. Please follow the links below to learn more about the characteristics of these breeds. Other breeds are available upon request. Our experienced breeders can help you select the right breed for your particular interest.
Katahdin Dorset Dorper Barbado St. Croix
The four most common breeds of swine include Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc, and Hampshire. The links below will provide more information about each breed, their characteristics and most common use.
We can suggest the best breed and age of hogs for each client’s specific need, whether it be reproducing breeding stock or raising swine for pork production.
Other breeds and popular cross breeds are also available upon request.
Duroc Landrace Yorkshire