Florida Dairy Cattle to Panama
Reneé from Strickland Ranch & Exports, Inc. recently accompanied a shipment of Florida dairy cattle to a new dairy farm in Panama.
Reneé from Strickland Ranch & Exports, Inc. recently accompanied a shipment of Florida dairy cattle to a new dairy farm in Panama.
Below is an excerpt from Heartland Magazine, by Audra Clemmons
A love for ranching and travel inspired Reneé Strickland to start her livestock exportation busines from her family ranch in Myakka City, FL. The blossoming company, Strickland Cattle and Exports, Inc, ships beaucoup cattle as well as other animals, across the globe. This requires excellent animal handling, as well as patience and the ability to maneuver through a labrynth of international health regulations and strict quaratntine protocol.
Read the rest at Heartland Magazine
Renee’ Strickland was elected as the President of the Livestock Exporter’s Association on July 23rd 2014.
Livestock Exporter’s Association web site
Here’s what the Association does: